RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das was admitted to a Chennai hospital for acidity. According to the hospital’s medical bulletin, he was admitted for observation on Monday night, November 25, 2024.
After examination, Shaktikanta Das is in a better condition and will be discharged soon. The RBI spokesperson said that there is no need for people to worry about Shri Shaktikanta Das’ condition as he will be discharged soon.
The Apollo Hospitals in Chennai also issued a statement about Shaktikanta Das’ condition in a paper signed by the Director Medical Services of Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, Dr. R.K. Venkatasalam.
“The Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Shri Shaktikanta Das has been suffering from acidity and has been admitted to Apollo Hospitals, Chennai for observation. He is doing well and will be discharged in the next 2-3 hours,” the RBI spokesperson said.
“There is no reason to worry,” added the RBI spokesman.