The Delhi High Court has denied permission for Chhath Puja 2024 in the Yamuna River due to severe environmental contamination. Therefore, people are not allowed to perform puja in the river as it can cause health problems.
There are almost 1000 alternative locations designated by the government for performing puja during Chhath Puja. People can easily perform puja without fear of health problems.
The Delhi High Court has imposed a ban on puja in the Yamuna River considering the increasing pollution levels in the Yamuna River, fearing that it could cause health problems that can make someone sick due to bathing in toxic air.
Initially, puja in the Yamuna River was recalled due to the Covid-19 pandemic and now it has taken action to reinforce puja at the place to prevent people from performing puja in the traditional way in Delhi.
Getting to Know Chhath Puja Festival
Chhath Puja Festival is held for six days after Diwali and falls in the lunar month of Kartik or in October-November in the Gregorian calendar. Chhath Puja is also known as the solar festival because its main deity is Surya.
Surya Shashti Vrat is another name for Chhath Puja, while the word chhath comes from shashti or the sixth day of the new moon. Goddess Chhathi Mai/Usha is the consort of Surya, who holds a position for reverence and worship.
The Surya Festival is a worship ceremony that begins at sunset rather than sunrise. Traditionally and socially, this festival is centered on women but is not a gender-specific festival. This is because Chhathi Mai is the patron goddess of children who can provide long life and health.