National Space Day at IIA: Preparing Two Public Lectures at the Komangala Campus

The IIA campus (Indian Institute of Astrophysics) celebrated National Space Day on Friday, August 23, 2024, with a series of public events.


The campus will host two public lectures at the campus located in Komangala and the titled of this celebration is ‘To The Moon’.


Rakesh Mohan, one of the representatives of the IIA, will deliver his speech on “The IIA Space Mission and Why Astronauts Need to Place Telescopes in Space” at 14.30.


Meanwhile, from the Raman Research Institute, S. Seetha gave a lecture on the astronomy of the Indian Space Mission at 4 p.m.


The IIA said the event was open to the public, and attendees were expected to attend before the event began.


The public lecture held at the Komangala campus can also be followed on the YouTube channel IIA.


In the run-up to the lecture, the IIA will host a video streaming of the space mission and some informal quizzes about the moon.


National Space Day is commemorated to commemorate the landing of Chandrayaan-3 near the south pole of the moon on August 23, 2023.


The theme of the celebration is ‘Touching lives while touching the moon: India’s space saga’.

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