BTS V announced the death of their pet dog Yeontan on his social media Instagram recently. Kim Taehyung, known as V also uploaded a moment with Yeontan, his cherished dog through a picture. He wanted to remember the togetherness with Yeontan and urged fans to remember his dog fondly.
It is not yet known exactly when Yeontan died, but on December 2, 2024, news of the death of his beloved dog was shared via V’s upload on his Instagram. For him, Yeontan was a dog that was very close to him and also their fans, ARMY. Kim Taehyung also often posts photos and videos of Yeontan’s cuteness to ARMY.
“To be honest, the reason I have come to write a post like this is because Yeontan has left on a long journey to doggy heaven recently. I’ve thought a lot about how to tell you all about this, but I convey this news as I thought it would be right to tell all ARMY’s who have sent so much love until now. I would be thankful if ARMYs would be able to think of Yeontan here and there so that he can be happy in heaven too,” Kim Taehyung wrote.
The 28-year-old singer once said that Yeontan had respiratory and heart disorders since his dog was little. In a live performance on the idol-fan sharing platforms Weverse, BTS V once showed how to give assisted breathing techniques to a dog whose full name is Kim Yeontan.
BTS V, who is currently undergoing his military service in South Korea, has also prepared himself to release his duet single with senior Jazz singer Bing Crosby in a song entitled White Christmas which will be released on December 6, 2024.
In BTS Official’s upload on X, a picture of Yeontan can be juxtaposed with senior Jazz singer Bing Crosby, complete with the Santa Claus hats they are wearing.. “White Christmas – V & Bing Crosby, Dec 6, 2 PM (KST) | 0 AM (ET)” with hashag #BingXV #V @BingCrosby #AVeryVChristmas #WhiteChristmasWithBingV.