Voyager 1 Spacecraft Finally Reconnects with NASA after Getting Lost for Almost 50 Years

7jj78hl voyager 1

Voyager 1 spacecraft finally reconnects with NASA after getting lost for almost 50 years. That spacecraft is 15 billion miles away from earth. The spacecraft is known to have turned off its radio transmitter which is in the fault protection system, which triggered an investigation into the cause. 


NASA had to spend two days to carry out commands and exchange data with the spacecraft, while on the other hand, technicians tried to restore operations to normal.


The space agency said that several non-essential systems of the spacecraft had to be returned off because it would cause a significant reduction in power. 


And from identifying the root cause that triggered this fault protection system, it is possible that it will take several days or even weeks to find a solution.


However, with tireless efforts, NASA managed to receive signals back from Voyager 1 after a long loss of communication. The spacecraft, which was launched in 1977, has provided very valuable data about life outside our solar system.


This information will be used as material for scientists to understand more deeply the nature of space, as well as some conditions in outer space that go beyond the limits of the solar system. Data and information obtained from Voyager 1 will be a new opportunity for researchers to be used as material for further exploration.


This shows that part of human identity is to explore space. Because even though we are far from home, efforts to explore and understand the outside world should not stop just like that.


And the communication between these long-lost spacecraft will provide hope for new discoveries that can reveal even more secrets about the universe.

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