Bajaj Chetak 35 Series Introduced Today, Bajaj Auto unveiled the brand-new Bajaj Chetak 35 Series. A 3.5 kWh underfloor battery pack powers it. In three hours, it charges from empty to eighty percent. 35 liters of under-seat storage are also included. Let’s examine the features that the recently released Bajaj Chetak offers.
On December 20, Bajaj Auto introduced a new line of its well-liked Chetak electric scooters. The brand of two-wheelers has introduced the brand-new Chetak 35 series. This scooter has newer features installed. It also has a ton of amazing features included with it. It now has a greater range than before as well. Tell us about the features that this new Bajaj Chetak 35 series has.
New Bajaj Chetak 35 Series: Battery Location and Storage
A whole new platform has been introduced for the Chetak 35 series. A 3.5 kWh underfloor battery pack powers it. Its handling will be better than before because of the placement. Helmets and other essentials can be stored in the 35 liter underseat storage space. The storage is improved by the addition of a separate section for charging.
The Battery and Range of the New Bajaj Chetak 35 Series
According to Bajaj Auto, the battery in the new Chetak 35 series has an actual range of 125 km and a claimed range of 153 km when fully charged. With a 950-watt charger, it charges to 80% capacity in 3 hours and 25 minutes. The new Chetak 35 series can reach a top speed of 73 kmph, according to Bajaj Auto. It offers sports and eco-modes.
Smart Features of the New Bajaj Chetak 35 Series
It has a colored TFT display with functions like music management, call control, and turn-by-turn navigation. This will further enhance the driving experience. In addition, the Chetak 35 series has features like call answering, music control, and real-time notifications displayed directly on the display.
The new Chetak features a traditional D Share bonnet, a tubular metal body, a remote immobilizer, a speed alert, a thief alert, and horseshoe-shaped daytime running lights. It also lacks visible nuts and bolts.
Cost of the New Bajaj Chetak 35 Series
There are two versions of the new Bajaj Chetak available: Chetak 3502 and Chetak 3501. Chetak 3502 costs Rs 1.2 lakh, while Chetak 3501 costs Rs 1.27 lakh. In the Indian market, the new Bajaj Chetak 35 will face competition from TVS iQube, Ather Rizta, Ampere Nexus, and Ola S1.