In Dubai, a Man Paid 418 Crores to Purchase an Island

In Dubai, a Man Paid 418 Crores to Purchase an Island

The rich and famous Dubai businessman’s wife, Saudi Al Nadak, 26, said in a widely shared social media post that she wanted to wear a bikini because her millionaire husband had bought her an island worth 418 crores. To ensure that his spouse feels secure enough to wear a bikini, a businessman from Dubai purchased an island for his spouse for fifty million dollars or 418 crore Indian rupees.

What would you think if we told you that a businessman in Dubai paid 50 million dollars, or 418 crore Indian rupees, for an island so that his wife would feel secure enough to wear a bikini? This is what happened.

The wife of a businessman in Dubai, Saudi Al Nadak, 26, posted an Instagram video of her private island with the description, “I had to wear a bikini; therefore, my rich husband purchased me an island worth Rs 418 crore.” The photo quickly went viral on social media.

Businessman Al Nadak of Dubai is married to Saudia Al Nadak, who was born in Britain. The couple, who have been married for more than three years, first connected while studying in Dubai.

In less than a week, a video starring Saudia Al Nadak saying that her husband purchased a whole island went viral on Instagram, accumulating over 2.4 million views.


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