In a Rs 500 crore fraud case, Bharti Singh and Elvish Yadav have received summonses from Delhi Police. Abhishek Malhan is one of the YouTubers and social media influencers mentioned in the complaint. This case’s principal accused has been taken into custody. Go over the entire issue in reading.
Along with comedian Bharti Singh and YouTuber and winner of “Bigg Boss OTT Season 2,” Elvish Yadav, there has been a lot of news regarding Abhishek Malhan. According to reports, Delhi Police has summoned these three individuals as well as others in connection with an alleged Rs 500 crore app fraud. Find out more about the entire situation.
The material states that Delhi Police was notified of over 500 complaints. Numerous YouTubers and social media influencers were allegedly using their accounts to advertise the “Hitbox” smartphone app. Using this software, they enticed users to make investments.
The main accused has been arrested; his name has come to light
In this case, the main accused, Shivram, has been arrested from Chennai. Many identities are coming forward, including Abhishek Malhan, Elvish Yadav, Bharti Singh, Harshimbachiya, and Saurav Joshi, who marketed this app. Many social media influencers and YouTubers have been summoned in this connection.
The show “Laughter Chefs” is on Bharti
It is well known that Bharti Singh currently hosts the program “Laughter Chefs. It airs on the Colors channel. Moreover, you may view it on the Jio Cinema app. In this episode, there are six couples: Ali Goni and Rahul Vaidya, Jannat Zubair and Reem Sheikh, Sudesh Lahiri and Nia Sharma, Kashmira Shah and Krishna Abhishek, and Karan Kundra and Arjun Bijlani. Judge Harpal Singh Sokhi is in charge.
Elvish is seen in this show
Regarding Elvish Yadav, he can currently be seen alongside Munawar Farooqui in “Play Ground Season 4.” On social media, Abhishek Malhan is also quite active.