Maharashtra Bandh 24 August: After the strict order of the Bombay High Court, the Mahavikas Aghadi (MVA) has withdrawn the bandh called on 24 August regarding the Badlapur incident. After the High Court’s order, Sharad Pawar first issued an appeal. After this, Uddhav Thackeray held a press conference; however, now the Congress has announced a protest in Thane by wearing black bands.
The Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) has withdrawn the call for Maharashtra Bandh on the Badlapur incident in Maharashtra. After the Bombay High Court’s order and then Sharad Pawar’s appeal, former Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray said that strikes are a democratic right. The court’s decision is not acceptable, but we are accepting this decision, respecting the court. Uddhav Thackeray said that, but we will not stop. Freedom has been achieved through agitation. Thackeray said that we should not protest against the atrocities being committed against women. It does not make any sense. Thackeray said that he has some favourite people. They always go to court. They make a decision. They had also gone against the Maratha Reservation recently. MVA had called for a bandh on August 24 till 2 pm. The Bombay High Court had declared the bandh unconstitutional
What is in the order of the Bombay High Court
The Bombay High Court, while hearing the PILs, had given a legal direction to the government that no political party or person is allowed to call for Maharashtra Bandh. Chief Justice Devendra Kumar Upadhyay had said that we are stopping any political party or person from calling for a bandh. We will also direct the state to take all steps as per the BG Deshmukh decision. After the High Court’s decision, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar posted on X and appealed to the leaders of the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) to withdraw tomorrow’s bandh.
There’s no time to go to the Supreme Court
Pawar had written that there was a call for a public bandh over the Badlapur incident. The bandh was an attempt to draw the government’s attention to the matter. This bandh was within the ambit of the Constitution of India, but the Bombay High Court ruled that the bandh was unconstitutional. Due to a lack of time, it is not possible to file an immediate appeal with the Supreme Court. Therefore, the Indian judiciary is a constitutional institution. Therefore, respecting the Constitution, I am requesting to withdraw tomorrow’s Bandh.
Congress protests with black bands
After the Bombay High Court declared the call for a gate shutdown as unconstitutional, the Congress announced to protest by wearing black bands. After the Bombay High Court’s decision and Sharad Pawar’s appeal, Nana Patole took an oath that respecting the High Court’s decision, tomorrow from 11 am to 12 noon, all the leaders and workers of the Congress party will protest against the anti-women Mahayuti government in all the districts of the state by wearing black bands on their mouths and carrying black flags. Patole wrote that he will participate in the protest to be held in Thane on August 24 at 11 am.
What is Uddhav Thackeray’s demand?
On Friday, Uddhav Thackeray said that the government should withdraw the cases against the protesters in Badlapur. Otherwise, we will have to take to the streets. Thackeray had appealed to the people to join the MVA bandh. People had protested at Badlapur Railway Station over the sexual abuse of two girls in a school in Thane’s Badlapur. During this protest, there was stone pelting at the railway station and other areas in Badlapur. 25 policemen were injured in this. The police have arrested 72 people for violence during the protest. All of them are in police custody till August 26.