Shah Rukh Khan, the legendary Bollywood actor is now happy, because on November 2, 2024 he will be 59 years old. However, the appearance of Gauri Khan’s husband looks fitter and younger than his age.
Shah Rukh Khan always maintains his diet and appearance so that he can continue to provide maximum acting quality for his loyal fans. Not only that, in an interview with The Guardian some time ago, Shah Rukh Khan also shared how he maintains his body with a busy schedule.
To The Guardian, Shah Rukh Khan revealed that he always goes to bed at 5 am and wakes up at 9 or 10 am. When there are so many activities that make him come home from the office at 2 am, he admits that he always exercises before going to bed.
Shah Rukh Khan also limits the food he consumes by going on a regular diet. He goes on a diet to control what he eats and avoids to keep his body healthy at an age that is no longer young.
Curious about what kind of diet Shah Rukh Khan does? Let’s look at Shah Rukh Khan’s diet through the following article which was reviewed from an interview in 2016 with
Shah Rukh Khan’s Healthy Diet
Shah Rukh Khan only eats lean meat, nuts, egg whites, and grilled chicken, of course in small portions. Shah Rukh Khan chooses not to eat white rice, white bread, sugar and never drinks alcohol.
The actor also really avoids consuming food cooked on the set and chooses to have lunch at home with a tandoori chicken or fish menu, sometimes he also eats bean sprouts or some vegetable dishes.
At dinner, Aryan Khan’s father likes to enjoy tandoori chicken with tandoori bread. However, occasionally Shah Rukh Khan also eats dishes made from goat. And in fact, tandoori chicken is the actor’s favorite food.
Shah Rukh Khan admits that he never likes fast food or junk food, he also doesn’t like Indian sweets and some types of fruit, but ice cream or chocolate are exceptions. His wife always makes delicious ice cream for him with some biscuits as a complement.
Shah Rukh Khan Short Biography
Name | Shah Rukh Khan |
Birth Date | 2 November 1965 |
Birth Place | New Delhi, India |
Age | 59 years old |
Religion | Muslim |
Spouse | Gauri Khan |
Children |
Work | Actor, Film Producer, Television Personality, Businessman |